The Effective Secretary/Personal Assistant Course

  Course Overview Success depends on the abilities of support staff. As organization worldwide have streamlined and computerized, support staff has become key to an organization’s success. More often than not, support staff must pick up the slack, handled multiple projects..

Start Date:

07 May, 2025.

End Date:

09 May, 2025.


NGN 450,000.00


General Management and Leadership


Course Overview

Success depends on the abilities of support staff. As organization worldwide have streamlined and computerized, support staff has become key to an organization’s success. More often than not, support staff must pick up the slack, handled multiple projects simultaneously, and remember all the details.


Course Objectives

This course will show you the key value-adding skills needed to leverage the greatest advantage out of your essential team role. Increase your effectiveness ten-fold by applying the tools, skills and techniques you will be exposed to, and become a resource highly appreciated by your boss and organization.”

Course Outline

-The Secretary/PA in Organizations Today
-How the role has changed and why
- From suitable Secretary to potent PA
 -The Secretary/PA as businessperson
 -Knowing how your business works
- Understanding the contribution you can make
 -You and your boss as a powerful team (the Me-Boss Team)
 -The Steps to becoming a highly effective “gatekeeper”
-Who are you?
 -Understanding your paradigms
 -Understanding your interpersonal style
- You are important!
 -Attitude, latitude and taking responsibility
 -Becoming a Lifelong Learner
-Adding Value to your Manager
 -Understanding your boss's paradigms
 -Understanding your boss's interpersonal style
 -Making sure you are clearly on the Me-Boss team list
 -Understanding and supporting the boss's role and objectives
 -Agreeing your common objectives and success criteria
- Understanding strategic thinking
 -Focusing on goal-directed interaction
 -Key steps in becoming an effective “managee”
- Knowing when to “fill in the gaps”
- Redefining your role and intended contribution

-Managing the Me-Boss team together
- When is a team a team?
- Working together when power is unequal
 -The features of a cohesive team
 -Success comes in Cans, not in Cannots
 -The team's success is your success
-Making the Time to do your Job(s)
 -The benefits of effective time management (you/your boss/together)
 -Agreeing and sticking to priorities
 -Progress vs. maintenance
 -Overcoming the major time wasters
 -Utilizing the major time tools
 -Simple techniques to make more “available” time
-Skills for Undertaking Small Projects
 -Understanding how to break a task down into its components
 -Preparing a mini project plan
 -Making a budget and sticking to it
 -Identifying critical tasks that make or break a project
 -Setting up deadlines and time frames
 -Taking the project through to completion

-Public Relations Skills
 -Understanding client service and client value (internal and external)
 -Cultivating and projecting a professional image
 -Listening and probing skills
 -Dealing with difficult people
 -Preventing misunderstandings and conflict
 -Don't be the boss's worst PR nightmare
-Managing the Stress as an Executive PA
 -The cost of negative stress
 -The benefits of positive stress
 -Sources of your negative stress
 -Sources of the boss's negative stress
 -Steps to effective management of stressors
-Awkward Realities of an Executive Secretary Position
 -Dealing with office gossip and politics
 -Professional Dress and Image
 -Balancing the needs of multiple bosses
 -Dealing with the boss's spouse/partner
 -Handling the boss from hell
 -Handling the PA from hell


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