Start Date:
18 June, 2025.
End Date:
20 June, 2025.
Course Overview
Business Etiquette is so much more complex than knowing table manners like which fork to use at a business lunch. This course examines the basics, most importantly to be considerate of others, dress/appearance, the workplace versus social situations, business meetings, proper introductions and ‘the handshake’, conversation skills/small talk, cultural differences affecting international business opportunities, dealing with interruptions, and proper business email and telephone etiquette.
Course Objectives
After completing this course, participants will know how to:
- Create a professional image, follow cubicle and office etiquette, and maintain positive office relationships.
- Use the Internet appropriately when at work and handle ethical dilemmas and personal issues in the workplace.
- Introduce people properly, be a good conversationalist, and follow proper etiquette in meetings.
- Display courtesy on the telephone, in voice mails, and in written communications.- Follow proper etiquette at business functions and dinners, and identify formal table settings for business dining.
- Be a courteous traveler and prepare for international business trips.
Course Outline
Office protocol
- Office etiquette
- Understanding business etiquette
- Maintaining a professional appearance
- Cubicle and office etiquette
- Practicing cubicle etiquette
- Practicing office etiquette
- Office relationships
- Developing positive relationships with co-workers
- Avoiding rumors and gossip
- Developing relationships with superiors and staff
2 - Professional conduct
- Appropriate use of the Internet
- Accessing the Internet
- Ethical dilemmas
- Handling ethical dilemmas
- Maintaining loyalty and confidentiality
- Personal issues in the workplace
- Handling personal issues in the workplace
3 - Communicating in the workplace
- Introductions
- Introducing people
- Following etiquette while being introduced
- Conversations
- Making conversation
- Etiquette in meetings
- Understanding meeting protocol
- Conducting yourself properly in meetings
4 - Etiquette in communication
- Telephone courtesy
- Applying telephone courtesy
- Using voice mails and speakerphones
- E-mail etiquette
- Using subject lines and e-mail signatures
- Composing the body of e-mail messages
- Writing guidelines
- Formatting a business letter
- Writing memos and informal letters
5 - Business functions
- Attending business functions
- Identifying types of business functions
- Following etiquette at business functions
- Business dining
- Identifying table settings at formal dinners
- Following etiquette for business dining
- Handling utensils and napkins
- Applying basic rules of dining etiquette
6 - Traveling for business
- The courteous traveler
- Being a courteous traveler
- Being courteous on an airplane, on a train, or in a car
- Following the rules of etiquette at hotels
- International travel
- Understanding cultural orientation
- Showing respect to your hosts