Start Date:
09 April, 2025.
End Date:
11 April, 2025.
Course Overview
Managing a huge gathering (in airports, banks, sports and recruitment centers, religious and worship places, traditional/annual festivals, carnivals etc.) is a tough row to hoe and it necessitates putting well trained personnel in place and a systematic process to assuage the aggravations that customers/visitors are subjected.
Crowding can be exasperating, and sometimes individuals don’t really behave the way they should, if and when they find themselves stuck in an overcrowded place. It also increases the odds of customers getting into feuds and disagreements, not only with each other but also with the employees. Moreover, overcrowding always surges the possibility of serious security and health hazards. Dealing with so many people tends to slow down the speed of staff actions as employees usually start getting overwhelmed, hence leading to poor customer service
Keeping in view all these facts, it is imperative to have crowd management strategies implemented in order to serve the customers better and create a come-back experience