Advanced Fraud Detection and Control

Overview The responsibility to take action after frauds have been detected rests on senior management. In some cases, control overrides are often done by senior management, thereby making a mockery of the fight against fraud. This course would bring senior management into the reality of how to..

Start Date:

12 February, 2024.

End Date:

14 February, 2024.


NGN 180,000.00




The responsibility to take action after frauds have been detected rests on senior management. In some cases, control overrides are often done by senior management, thereby making a mockery of the fight against fraud. This course would bring senior management into the reality of how to ensure that control mechanism protects the assets of their organizations and their subordinates are kept on tabs.

Course Objective

·        To equip delegates with forensic investigation skills

·        To equip delegates with the necessary skills to prevent frauds

  • To equip delegates with the skills to prosecute fraud suspects.

Course Outline

·        Key issues which drove the frauds of the 21st Century

·        Money Laundering,

·        Money Laundering – Examples of Suspicious transactions

·        Economic justification for eliminating Fraud,

·        Social justification for eliminating Fraud,

·         International justification for eliminating Fraud,

·         Moral justification for eliminating Fraud.

·        Mechanisms for dealing with Fraud

·        Strategic Fraud Prevention Plan,

·        Discuss the issues, and risks associated with various policy actions to combat Fraud

·         Prosecution


Phone Number:



[email protected]

Book for Advanced Fraud Detection and Control